12 years old.
I've got a long way to go. Life is really like an airplane flight.
Sometimes you 're up soaring, through the air, but in every plane ride you always hit 
Yes, you feel scared. The trembling, the pressure and the shaking.
What is this? Is it going to stop?
And there comes the captain's voice "turbulence has stopped."
You feel calm and relieved.
Who is the captain in your life? There to take control, to be brave and to face his
That's you!
You are the captain of your plane. You can not let anybody else control your plane.
Sometimes you lost confidence and self-esteem, but every plane has crew that's 
there to support you, to help you and to take care of you.
Life is an airplane ride.
You fly from destination to destination.
It's a journey and you have to always believe that you will
land safely.

This is my son's free verse that he wrote in his poetry assignment at the beginning of the school year. The teacher called to share how impressed she was after his presentation: "open, believable and extremely mature"... My husband and I looked at each other thinking ''he is still losing his baby teeth, ah! We must be doing something right, or... lets just wait a couple of more years..."

I finally received his permission to post it on my blog " You are such a show-off, Mom!"

I guess, I am simply ...proud.

Dear Friend, I hope your week ahead is bright and sunny!

And don't forget who the captain of the plane is  :)

Thank you for your visit and kind comments !