The other day my son showed me this video while I was complaining about something ridiculous... Yes, it was the taste of the tap water I was commenting on... Next time, when he wants Kevin Durant's new shoes, I promised to remind him of the video. And I will probably refer to the phrase "the first world problem" quite frequently... until... one day, our family miraculously stops complaining and stops wanting things we don't need.
Then, I thought how often I, myself, fall into this vicious cycle of wanting and buying unnecessary things, of complaining and sweating over small, trivial issues. I don't underestimate our problems at all, but the fact is that the values driving the contemporary society have experienced a wide swing. Modern culture has created individuals obsessed with glamor, material possessions, hedonism, physical beauty, brands, ambition... Today, a person needs a truly stoic character and strong will in order to simplify life and not lose the true meaning of it. Moreover, our society promises quick and immediate solutions to any kind of problems. We even teach our children that life can be lived without struggles and sacrifices if they behave in an expected way. We pray for their days to be with no pain and heartache. Yet, at the corners of our minds, we know that

"the most beautiful people we have known are those who have known defeat, known suffering, known struggle, known loss, and have found their way out of the depth."(Elisabeth Kubler-Ross).

We all know that without difficulties, arrogance can easily arise, without obstacle, the knowledge will not be challenged and broadened.
I am sharing these thoughts today because it is Easter and many of us celebrate the agony, the death and the resurrection of Christ – the most humble, devoted and graceful man. And whether you are a believer or not, it is undeniable that today, more than ever, the whole world is searching for meaning, for salvation, for renewal. Renewal is to be the way of life.
Many will find comfort in the promise of eternal life. But, I hope that when He raises the crucified man and gives him eternal life, He raises us all too so that we experience a spiritual rebirth. I hope, in Jesus's resurrection, we find the strength to revive human goodness, compassion, empathy, forgiveness, generosity, and humbleness. In the power of resurrection, we feed our own souls so we help to nourish the souls of others. We spread love and feel grateful and content with a simple life.

I wish you a happy and meaningful celebration of life, love, healing, and peace. 

Brown Butter Almond Hot Cross Buns


1 1/2 cups unsalted butter
1/2 cup milk, room temperature
1 tbsp dry instant yeast
2 tbsp rum
2 tsp pure almond extract
6 large eggs, room temperature
2 3/4 cups all-purpose flour
1/2 cup ground almonds
5 tbsp sugar
1 tsp salt
1 egg whisked with 2 tbsp water for brushing
1/4 cup sliced almonds


Melt butter in a small pot over medium heat until butter has browned, about 5 minutes. Cool to room temperature.
In a large bowl, stir milk, yeast, rum and almond extract to blend. Add eggs and combine. Add flour, ground almonds, sugar, and salt. Blend dough until evenly incorporated and it develops an elastic consistency yet still clings to the side of the bowl. Slowly pour in the cooled butter and incorporate.
Place in a bowl, cover, and chill overnight.
Preheat oven to 350 ºF.
On a lightly floured surface, turn dough out and cut into 7-8 pieces. Shape each piece into a ball and arrange in a greased 9-inch cake pan. Cover loosely and let rise for 1 hour.
Brush top of buns with egg mixture and sprinkle with sliced almonds. Bake for 45 minutes until tops are a rich golden color.
For icing, beat icing sugar and water together until smooth and pipe cross each bun.

Thank you!

Seasonal SundaysStone Gable