It's snowing. I don't mind it. I like it. I love watching it through the misted window from my bed. The slow flying snowflakes make me feel calm and I slow myself down. The world is gently forced into having a slower beat, dwelling in muted colours, mastering patience, experiencing stillness... I long for staying home all day, reading books, drinking coffee, cuddling in the comfort of warmth, food, feather blankets and fresh flowers.
When I start really slowing down, somehow in the corner of my hibernating mind, questions arise - What I want for myself and my life, what matters most to me, what is it that I want to offer the world, how might I get there...
I do not believe in resolutions, do not make to-do lists and rarely pick a word of the year, but when I feel the overwhelming need to make changes, I stop and take time to listen to what my heart is telling me at this very moment.
"You have work to do", is what I am hearing with every heartbeat. "You better start now, but do small steps without worrying if they are necessarily sufficient.

What you want for yourself and your life?

You have work to do in regards of exposing and maintaining the most authentic, creative, and kinder version of yourself. You need to be more self-aware, ego-less, enthusiastic, self-confident and specially disciplined in order to channel your energy and mind towards what matters most to you. Pull yourself into the present and trust your current circumstances.

What do you love to do? Do you know what your Element is? 

You love to write, you love to take photos. Creating prose and images that will help you and others live a meaningful life by pausing and noticing the beauty around is what makes you feel in your element. Do it every day! Focus your attention on writing for 30 minutes and shooting one photo every day. In this little block of time, practice your passion consistently and stay on track despite the environment you find yourself in. This sounds unglamorous, but this is the way you will master your crafts, the ones that you love to do. Never stop reading books, they will always help you gain a sense of yourself and the world.

What is it that you want to offer the world? How might you get there?

Stop waiting for things to get perfect. Maintain a healthy self-esteem and show acceptance. It's time to stop comparing your work with the work of others. Everyone is on her and his own path and by trusting your own journey, you will be more kind to yourself and your creative spirit.
Work in the direction of  cultivating enthusiasm and determination to continue when falling in the gap of feeling short and not good enough. Go back to the brilliant advice by Ira Glass in which you always find comfort and motivation.


"Fight your way through that, okay?"

Be unstoppable.
Be Fierce. 
Take risks.
Push yourself out of your comfort zone and recognize the need of creative entitlement - embrace it as a liberty of having a vision and a voice that deserves to be shown to the world.
Be Fierce.
You are already that, but you may not been fully investing it.

You have work to do. Better start now", I am hearing with every heartbeat... while the snow is covering the world in white, making it a blank sheet of paper, wide-open for a new story, for a new wisdom...

Thank you to Stampington & Company for asking me to elaborate on Artful Resolutions for one of their special  projects.

Thank you for reading.

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